Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Nicolas Fieulaine

Nicolas Fieulaine

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I'm currently interested in: (1) social roots and psychological implications of time perspective; (2) intervention of social-psychological determinants in access to social benefits and in health behaviors; (3) Applicability of social psychology and behavioral sciences for urban and UX design, policy making and collective action.

I'm the Founder of the Master program in Applied Social Psychology at the University of Lyon, and co-founder and former coordinator of the International Network on Time Perspective (

Here are some of my recent research projects:


-- How and why do people engage in pro-environmental behaviors? A socio-psychological standpoint

--Boundaries and perspectives in political involvement: temporal distance, frames and trajectories.

--Cross-cultural study of time perspective (CCTP), with A. Sircova (Sweden), F. Van De Vijver (The Netherlands), E.Osin (UK), Taciano L. Milfont (New Zealand) & A. Kislali (Turkey)

--Sustainable behaviors in everyday life: Insights form Time Perspective and Construal Level theories

--Time perspective and regulatory focus in messages framing: Applications to health behaviors promotion (with F. Martinez, France)

--Time perspective and control in self-regulation theory: Applications to non-addictive substance use (with F. Martinez, France)

--Conformity and norms in time perspective and desire for control (with F. Martinez, France)


-- Access to mental health services for migrants population in France

--Take-up and non take-up to vaccines (RENOVAC): Exploring social-psychological determinants for interventions programs (With A. Gauchet, M. Izaute, E. FAll & N. Chakroun) - Project supported by Lyon-Biopôle

--Strengthening community partnerships for mental health: A participatory action research

--Urban climates: A social-psychological study for improving urban policy (with N. Kalampalikis, France)

Some of my past projects include:

--"Deepening and contextualizing the psychosocial modelling of health behaviours: Pluri-methodological contributions" (University of Lyon 2/National Institute of Prevention and Health Education; with F. Martinez);

--"Psychosocial determinants of non take-up of justice and law: Actions, social representations and experiences" (University of Lyon 2/Law and Justice Research Mission; With N. Kalampalikis);

--"Ethical and identity stakes of medicaly assisted procreation" (University Lyon 2/Biomedicine Agency; Dir. N. Kalampalikis);

--"The marginalized and the public place: an action research in a railway station: the case of Lyon-Perrache" (University of Lyon 2/Ville de Lyon - CG 69).

Primary Interests:

  • Applied Social Psychology
  • Health Psychology
  • Law and Public Policy
  • Political Psychology
  • Social Cognition

Research Group or Laboratory:

Internships and Assistantships:

  • Assistant Professor

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Journal Articles:

Other Publications:

  • 0- Fieulaine, N. (2017). Sciences comportementales et politiques publiques, quand le nudge transforme le transport public. In Singler, E. , Samson, D. & al. (Eds.). Guide de l’économie comportementale (pp. 145-154). Paris, Labrador Editions.
  • 0- Fieulaine, N. (2017). The psychology of travelers: a five-faceted model of transit experience and how it affects behaviours. Presentation at the 15th European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam, July 2017
  • 0- Fieulaine, N. & Martinez, F. (2014). Initiating or maintaining sustainable behaviors ? A construal level perspective. Communication at 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France, July 2013.
  • 0- Stolarski, M., Fieulaine, N., & Zimbardo, P. G. (2018). Putting time in a wider perspective: The past, the present, and the future of time perspective theory. The SAGE handbook of personality and individual differences, 592-628
  • Fieulaine, N. (2008). Time perspective and social issues: Back to Lewin’s practical theory of psychological field. 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
  • Fieulaine, N. (2008). Time perspective issues in the French context: Its social roots and psychological correlates in socially deprived situations. 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Allemagne.
  • Fieulaine, N., Kalampalikis, N., & Haas, V. (2009). Legal behaviors and social representations of justice: A field study on access to law. Research Report, GRePS-Lyon2/National Research Council on Justice and Law.
  • Fieulaine, N., & Martinez, F. (2009). Does time perspective predict influenza vaccination? A longitudinal investigation among French Elderly. 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, Norway.

Courses Taught:

  • Introductory Course Statistics in Psychology
  • Moderating and Mediating Effects in Social Psychology
  • Quantitative Analysis in Social Psychology
  • Social Deprivation and Life-Stories
  • Social Psychology of Groups: Models and Methods
  • Temporal Framing in Health Communications
  • Time Perspective in Social Psychology

Nicolas Fieulaine
Institute of Psychology
University of Lyon
5, Avenue Pierre Mendes-France
69500 Bron

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